Finding the New Zealand school that’s right for you takes local knowledge. At N to Z we have the high school and travel tour connections to give students an amazing and memorable Kiwi experience.
Our popular High School Programme offers students and their families a complete New Zealand education package. Stimulating learning and loads of fun for students. No stress for parents.

N to Z Support Services
Planning your stay – We know the New Zealand education system inside out and provide expert advice to parents and students to help families make informed decisions.
School selection – We can help you select a school that offers the subjects you want to study and the activities you enjoy, in a city or town you will love*.
Paperwork – We will enrol you at the school of your choice and organise all the necessary immigration papers you’ll need to get your New Zealand study visa.
Homestay – N to Z or your chosen high school will arrange homestay accommodation.
Airport pick-up – We will greet you at the airport and introduce
you to your host family.
Orientation – Settle in faster with our one-week preparation course, with English language classes in the morning and awesome activities in the afternoon.
Help when you need it – Call us any time, day or night, while you are in New Zealand and we will help with any issues you are facing.
First language support – Language needn’t be a barrier with our language team on-hand to help.

New Zealand high schools
All high schools on the programme have been chosen for the diverse opportunities they offer to our students. Our schools are a mix of public and private, in rural and urban settings all over New Zealand. You tell us what you need and we will recommend the schools that suit your needs. To get things started, all you need to do is contact us, or one of our agents.
New Zealand high school terms and intakes
The New Zealand school year has four terms.
We recommend that students on our high school programme start school at the beginning of the term. However, you can start and finish anytime that suits you. For those who start at the beginning of terms one or three you’ll arrive in New Zealand one week before school begins to complete our preparation course.
The terms generally start in January, April, July and October. The New Zealand summer holidays are in December and January.
The term times are set several years in advance by the New Zealand Ministry of Education. You’ll find school terms and holiday dates on the Ministry’s website.
How long can you study?
Our high school programme accepts students who wish to stay in New Zealand for as long or as short as your time permits. We have students who stay for as few as four weeks and other students who stay for 18 months. The choice is yours.

For students who want to travel as well as study we work with a wide range of organisations in New Zealand who meet the requirements to offer tours to international students.
We cater for students who want a New Zealand high school experience. However, we also cater for those who want to study towards New Zealand or international qualifications. New Zealand’s high school curriculum is the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA). You can also study towards the University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) or International Baccalaureate (IB).
NCEA: This certificate consists of internal assessments completed during the year as well as exams. It is designed to help you get a broad education in a number of subjects or to specialise in areas you are most interested in. NCEA is recognised in a number of countries as a university entrance qualification. For example, it can be used as an equivalent in Germany to the Abitur.
International Baccalaureate: There are a number of schools in New Zealand that offer the International Baccalaureate, a two year qualification that is internationally recognised and can be used in a range of countries for university entrance.
University of Cambridge International Examinations: This international qualification can be used for university entrance around the world and is offered by a number of schools in New Zealand.
For help with choosing a school that offers the qualification you want to achieve, or the subjects you want to study, contact us.
The Pastoral Care of International Students
N to Z prides itself on providing a comprehensive support service to its students. We have support staff who not only speak your language, but have lived in and understand the cultures of both New Zealand and your country.
We voluntarily comply with the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students administered the the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.
Study Costs
All our schools, both public and private, set their own fees. Homestay costs differ from city to city, so how much you pay will depend on where you stay. We cater for all budgets, from those wanting to study in a high-end private school to those wanting a typical public school experience. There are lots of options available, whatever your budget.
Our programmes start from:
One Term: 10,100NZD*
Two Terms: 16,450NZD*
Three Terms: 24,100NZD*
Four Terms: 32,150NZD*
* Including tuition, homestay, welfare, preparation course. Excluding flights, insurance (compulsory), uniform, specialist subject costs, living costs.